Corporate Social Responsibilities
Our mission is to have a meaningful impact on people's quality of living around the globe.
Developing Steadily With 4+ Years Of Trust
As a multinational organisation with a dynamic, diverse population, we acknowledge that the influence of our humanitarian efforts is much stronger as we encourage our staff to assist the charities of their preference. We are working hard to create solid, sustainable relationships between the company and the societies in which we work.
Enhancing Individual Capabilities
Making education accessible for all and thus paving path to their skill development.
Innovating Growth possibilities
Subsidizing innovative programs to facilitate individual growth possibilities.
Helping Humanity Globally
Extending a helping hand for humanitarian services across the world.
Promoting healthcare programs
Globally supporting health and welfare programs to establish healthy living.
Conserving Environment
Protecting nature & creating a healthy living environment across the globe.
Extending Equal Opportunities
Helping individual achieve their potential by extending equal opportunities.
Starfinex Donates to An Orphanage
Continuing to show support to its local community, Starfinex donated and volunteered an orphanage.
The donation was made understanding the need and importance of keeping orphanage running. It was to empower the orphanage and help them meet their necessities.
Conserving Environment
Starfinex is gladly extending support for environmental conservation projects and seeking steps to conserve biodiversity and establish safe environments for the planet. We are striving to create a positive effect on people’s quality of living around the planet. We are proud to pledge funding for the promotion of environment healing programs, the introduction of sustainable conserving programs, as well as the procurement of equipment and materials that will ensure effective environmental conservation and protection.
Endangered mother nature is a pressing issue that calls for our attention. As committed proponents of environmental preservation of the planet, we wish to continue extending our participation in long-term environmental conservation programs to enhance and build a sustainable world in which we live in.